Real Life Ministries Missions


Local Ministries

In conjunction with Mid-Columbia Ministries and local churches, Real Life Ministries impacts the local communities through evangelistic events, benevolence funding, and biblical training.

We enjoy supporting and loving our local community in accordance with Biblical principles and teachings centered on giving and sharing as we have been taught through the love of our heavenly Father.

If you are interested in donating to our efforts throughout the Columbia River Gorge and beyond, please do not hesitate to reach out to us for more information!


Mzuzu Family Training Center

The Mzuzu Crisis Nursery was founded in 2006 in Malawi, one of Africa’s poorest nations. The purpose was to provide care for orphaned infants whose mothers have died in or shortly after childbirth. Because of the extreme poverty, most families cannot afford the baby formula and other supplies to care for these orphans, so they languish without proper care until they die of malnutrition or disease.

The Nursery has been the home to over 250 babies, where they have received love and care until they can live on solid food and the need for expensive baby formula is diminished. At this point, most children return to a family setting where they are cared for by an extended relative, usually an aunt or grandmother. Some, who may not have any extended family are adopted or cared for by long-term foster parents in Malawi. A very few others are adopted internationally, through a long and drawn-out process. The Nursery attempts to maintain contact with children who return to village life to ensure the proper care is being given and to encourage the family in this endeavor.

The Nursery became affiliated with Gospelink, a U.S. based mission organization, in 2019. This partnership provides a link to a large number of pastors in the northern region of Africa. The vision is that these pastors can work with the Nursery to provide follow-up and rescue visits, using these opportunities to spread God’s word to the families and villages where the infants they serve come from, an endeavor that was delayed due to the Covid situation.

In conjunction with the Nursery, we have nearly completed a large home in Mzuzu that will be used to temporarily house orphans and their extended families while training them in hygiene practices and the use of baby formula. Participating families will be supplied with formula and will return to their homes, eliminating the need for all babies to reside at the Nursery, providing more care per dollar. The Nursery will also be moved into the new Training Center Home. It will also be used to care for a limited number of toddlers, whose family circumstances are not conducive to adequate care, allowing time to find a foster or adoptive family. The Family Training Center building is located in the country provides opportunity for growing crops and livestock to aid in being more self-sufficient. We continue to need monthly donors that can provide for the lives of these vulnerable children.

Donations for the Nursery & Training Center can be directed to Real Life Ministries, PO Box 1961, White Salmon, WA 98672

Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction James 1:27